Health and Wellbeing Board meeting

 18th September 2024

North Yorkshire Autism All Aged strategy 2025-2030





Purpose of the report



To update the Health and Wellbeing Board on the current position regarding the development of the North Yorkshire Autism All Aged strategy 2025-2030, and to note the timeframe for publication.





Shape and structure of North Yorkshire Autism All Aged strategy 2025-2030




“Working together to enable Autistic people, carers and their families to enjoy full, happy and healthy lives”


The strategy consists of eight priorities:


Priority 1: Inclusive Communities

Priority 2: Assessment, Diagnosis, and Support

Priority 4: Health and Care

Priority 5: Adult and Youth Justice

Priority 7: Employment

Priority 8: Carers


Appendix to the strategy will include:

1.    Year 1 action plan

2.    Public consultation report

3.    Data pack slides





Current position



·         To treat the current draft strategy as draft and further consult with key partners and secure expertise from experience to strengthen the strategy.

·         To update and review a range of data sources.

·         To produce a Year 1 action plan that has more specific and SMART outcomes.

·         To further involve expertise from people with lived / living experience to review, feedback and comment on the strategy and action plan.





Timeline for strategy approval and publication



  • North Yorkshire Health and Wellbeing Board: 18th September to receive a progress update.
  • September to October - Partners to discuss the draft strategy in their respective organisations.
  • North Yorkshire Council Executive: 5th November – approval will be sought to agree the final strategy and action plan.  
  • North Yorkshire Council Scrutiny of Health: 18th December to discuss the strategy and action plan at Committee.




Report Author: Natalie Smith, Head of HAS Planning, Health and Adult Services.